On this episode of the Food About Town podcast, my good friend Bryan Chue from Boston came to Rochester for NYE 2020 and we recorded a wide ranging episode before he left town. This is the first episode I’ve posted in a while and I hope to be around a bit more now that life has calmed down somewhat. Stay tuned for more episodes I have saved up!
This episode is brought to you by the newly launched RochesterFoodNet. I am very happy to be a part of the group of well established voices in the Rochester food scene talking on our own terms. Check out what we have going on so far on the website and we’ll be dabbling in podcast episodes in the future as well!
We covered a bunch of topics including:
- Around town experiences
- NYE Dinner at Good Luck
- Dinner at Vern’s
- Eating at bars
- ROC Holiday Village
- Bar Mecca/Cristallino Ice
- Cooking successes, meal planning and failures
- Sustainable cooking for health
- Chili crisp
- Cooking FAIL
- Spirits experiences
- Parkway Wine and Liquor
- Spirits tasting with Chris Carlsson
- Organizing