Rochester Cocktial Revival 2024 – Jack’s Extra Fancy

It’s time for another edition of the Rochester Cocktail Revival (@rochestercocktailrevival) and Chris had some amazing guests to cover all the events for this year.

Dario and Chris from the Refined Taste Podcast (@refinedtasteroc) on Lunchador joined Chris to talk to the team from Jack’s Extra Fancy (@jacksextrafancy) over on Atlantic Ave. Jack’s is participating in RCR for the first time and has 4 amazing events to check out.

Tastes of Tiki Pairing Dinner – 6/4/24, 6:00 PM – $140

Apres Shot Ski – 6/5/24, 6:00 PM – Free

Glizzy Prom – 6/6/24, 7:30 PM – $5

Nickel City Fancy – 6/8/24, 9:00 PM – Free

Check out everything Jack’s is doing and all of the amazing events next week with RCR!

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